Tuesday, February 17, 2009

you're my rocket to the sky

push me out and see if i can fly.

Challenger Learning Center with the exchangers! Chris took lots of pictures. We were all pretty occupied. We had to conduct a mock space mission, "Rendezvous with a Comet", specifically comet Encke. So we were split into teams and had our own jobs to do. I was in MEDICAL TEAM. HAHA. Was pretty fun. Did tests and stuff to make sure everyone was healthy in space.

This astronaut was actually from Indiana.
He's been to space like 7 times.

Inside the Orbiter

I got blocked!
That's just half of us.
So in the middle of the mission, the navigation team (Bernard and Solayman) found an unidentified object and we decided to go for that instead of comet Encke and we discovered our own comet and named it Exchangers C'09! =D

After Challenger, some of us went for a movie. First movie in the cinemas in the US! They wanted to watch either Pink Panther 2 or The Uninvited, so you all know which I voted for. In the end it was a tie so we flipped a coin. Pink Panther 2 it is!
That's where you buy tickets.

And that's where you buy popcorn and stuff.

The inside is just like any cinema. It's free seating though.
Today after school, me, Elene, Solayman went to the library.
We walked.

and walked...

and reached! Haha, it's not that far actually. That's what the library looks like.


  1. the cinema nampak mcm airport sikit, ahaha.

  2. aha agak lah. the screen thingy.

  3. ISH! TERRI! YOU SUCK LA! Kenapa you ada bernard dan norman? Saya mau bernard :( I miss you guys la. But everything is pretty good here.

    Didn't know you had a blog and i have one too... www.kenalicious-the-great-sexylicious.blogspot.com

    Tell bernard and norman i miss them. I need a haircut. My hair terlalu long la xD
