Saturday, April 25, 2009

happy happy happy day

Happy Birthday Kody!

from left: Tea (sis), Tamara ( sis in law), Kayla (Tea's daughter), Anna (Tamara's daughter), Kody (Tea's son), Steve (dad)
*Roosevelt, Tamara's son is behind Anna

clockwise from top: Steve (bro), Tamara (his wife), Kayla, Tea, Carson ( Steve's son)

blowing out the candles. he's 4

he got a tent and sleeping bag!

eating on the porch

fill it up

As a part of Global Youth Awareness Day, we organised a food drive!
We went street to street, house to house collecting food.
Malaysia, Truly Asia

in the morning

it was windyyy!

break for lunch

almost to the end

no ihsan, i don't think they'll accept you at the food pantry.

in the end

artsy fartsy

Art field trip! Get to miss school! Yeay! haha xD
We went to Chicago, one of the art schools there and the museum. No pictures allowed.

train from miller again

ate asian for lunch haha

this was outside the galleries

finally got a picture with Anita! (Germany)

sat on a double decker train back home

you spin my head right round, right round

One evening we went over to my brother, Steve's house (which is on the same street) to hang out on the trampoline! Was so much fun. We were all so crazy. haha

that's kasey.
yigit's host bro.

that's carson, steve's son.
he was doing a backflip.


the kids

the big kids

the girls


then guess who joined us?
adit and ihsan!

and yigit!

we all tried this barrel thing.

getting dark


Tuesday, April 21, 2009

follow me there, a beautiful somewhere

a place that we can share.

My host mum (Anne) and Lisa (Deeksha and Madina's host mum) brought Tavia, Rekia, Deeksha, Madina and I to the Indiana Dunes one evening.

Looks like the sea?

It's Lake Michigan.

cold, cold water

can you guess which one's me?


We could see Chicago all the way on the other side!